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“Turquoise Clay” National Architecture Festival

“Turquoise Clay” National Architecture Festival
Turquoise Clay National Architecture Festival is one of the original Islamic-Iranian architectural festivals associated with Sepehr Soura Honar Institute. The festival has adopted an approach to guide young talents and spread the style of Islamic-Iranian architecture to matches today’s needs. Therefore, "Turquoise Clay" festival follows the aims such as explaining various aspects of Iranian-Islamic art and architecture, developing talents and creativity in architecture and urban development, promoting and introducing prominent architects, promoting a critical space and artistic discourse on architecture committed to Iranian culture and habitat, introducing traditional masters and architects to the professional community and retraining lost concepts. "Turquoise Clay", "Raw Clay", "Ancient Clay" and "Clay Criticism" are the main parts of the festival in which "Clay Criticism" within research-based pivot and critical approach provides the critics the situation to critique buildings and existing structures nationwide. It is considered that the jury and members of the Policy Council have been selected from a collection of university professors, leading architects and researchers in the field of architecture and urban planning in this festival. Moreover, experienced architectures are appreciated as well as young talents.